Born to teach

Born to teach

     This is Kate. Kate likes to speak. Kate likes to spread good. Kate likes to make us raise hands alot:P Kate is a absolute go getter. “gettter is apparently not a word but Kate is so cool we will make it one. Kates so cool Chuck Norris raises his hand to...
Deep Fish….

Deep Fish….

    …swim in deep waters, is only one of the great things I have learned from the most beautiful lady you’ll ever meet.. She is literally a Disney princess come to life. Taryn Depo has been in my life for a while now and has been a huge blessing to me. I...
Hats can be full of wisdom

Hats can be full of wisdom

Just because we shouldn’t take ourselves to serious. And I do have more hats but I got tired of taking pictures:P Words of wisdom? Yes I can pull words of wisdom out of a hat. Its not bad to change the way we are in different situations in life as long as our...
heart chakra

heart chakra

  Kauai is the most amazing place on the earth to me. The language, the people, all of it. I am in love with the whole experience. You have to go there to feel how much calm and peace is on the island, its like they do not put up with anyone who thinks they are in a...
Life is awesome!

Life is awesome!

Meet Amy Wardle, she is the coolest person ever! I met Amy at the begging of this year and she has been such a wonderful addition in my life. Amy is so funny. She is a mom, wife, business woman, comedian, and entrepreneur. That is a long list and I know its going to...
How many tries? all full of heart.

How many tries? all full of heart.

I have tried so many different ways to utilize any talent and feel useful in the world. Like you all know I am a mother and a wife and I love that journey. But I always feel personally, like I can accomplish so much more in addition to just the daily routine. I have...