This is Kate. Kate likes to speak. Kate likes to spread good. Kate likes to make us raise hands alot:P 
Kate is a absolute go getter. “gettter is apparently not a word but Kate is so cool we will make it one. Kates so cool Chuck Norris raises his hand to talk to her. 🙂 

Anyways all kidding aside, she has found her voice in the world and I don’t believe there is any stopping her. Tonight she taught these people about health but more than that she connected to them on a personal level and answered so many questions. She is so great at speaking maybe she can teach me some time. 

Just a recap…Every business adventure I have been on in this life has had Kate along with it. I always have an idea and luckily she always has organization. We are a really good team together. We held this class and after the fact everyone’s comments were the same about how much fun it was and how great we are together. 

I think that no matter what happens in my life I know one thing for sure, and its that nobody knows me or works with me as well as Kate. We are pretty opposite in most every case. But the common denominator is the drive we have to help change our world and anyone in it who needs our help.

So thank you again to Kate using your life experiences as way to help others. No excuses that is becoming our motto>

See more about kate here