Repair, Rejuvenate, Balance and Remove Disturbances

FootZonology® encompasses the study and scientific exploration of the signal systems within the feet. These signal systems, represented by light vessels, serve as direct conduits to the DNA code present in every cell of the body, and further extend to our inner blueprint.
Through FootZonology®, a process of renewal, rebuilding, dissolution, and resolution occurs. This modality offers a powerful means of balancing the body and facilitating a return to one’s authentic state of health.
From the Nordblom American Institute of Footzonology® we learn that “in FootZonology®”, two methods are involved:


ZoneBalance® is a method which reconnects the broken connection and balances and repairs unfavorable imprints in the DNA code and reconnects with the inner blueprint.
ZoneBalance® renews our cells in line with our inner blueprint, rising the body’s life energy and our awareness. Balancing our four lower bodies into alignment with our blueprint.
Becoming your true self and what you were meant to be.
The method of ZoneBalance® is working in five energy fields in the body.

The four lower bodies, connecting from the blueprint via the light vessels.

ZoneAnalysis is a method to see or feel the present condition and notice where the DNA-Code is disconnected from the inner blueprint. In ZoneAnalysis the following information can be discovered: